Below is a list of opportunities to get involved with at Shelp — being involved with an early stage start up is the best way to earn valuable experiences, take on large responsibilities, and upgrade your resume. We’re always keeping an eye out for people that work with us to bring into our internal team and receive an equity vesting contract. These shares you would receive can be worth millions of dollars once Shelp expands across the country! P.S, you’ll make money through any of the roles you sign up for below!

⑴ Introduction (The Basics)

Shelp is a student oriented marketplace for a safer and easier exchange of services and information. Our mission is to bridge the gap between students financial insecurity and a non-existent support network on campus. We’re about to introduce an AI assistant that can manage everything for you — whether it’s finding the right classes for your major, homework reminders, to posting a request for you, to finding the best place to study, to the best place to go out on a Friday night!

➡️ Checkout our app:

💰Becoming a Shelper

Download our app here and create your profile, once you get to the home page scroll to the bottom and select “Become a Shelper”, from there you’ll gain access to an ever updating gig dashboard where you can conveniently pick up jobs from local peers, businesses and the surrounding communities. Let’s make you some money!

🫱 Find the help you need

Download our app here, create your profile and once you get through the initial steps you’ll be able to post requests for whatever you need or want help with. Your request will be instantly sent our to the most talented pool of Shelper’s (Student Helper’s) on your campus. From there, sit back and a bunch of Shelper’s will message you wanting to assist.

⑵ Get Involved!

We’re looking for the most ambitious and talented students across the country to get involved with our expansion and growth plans. Below you’ll find the best opportunities to get started with us (You’ll make money in every one of these roles).

Apply to as many as you’d like and our team will be in touch promptly to find the best fit for you.

👥 Campus Manager

As a campus manager you’ll be working with a team of 2-3 other individuals at your school. Between this team you’ll be expected to manage a social media account, oversee day-to-day operations, get the best Shelper’s signed up, build an ambassador team, organize and run events, collaborate with local businesses, and overall make Shelp explode on your campus.

Think you have what it takes? Apply here.

📈 Ambassador

As an ambassador, you’ll join a team of other students at your school to help facilitate app downloads from your peers on campus. In your role as an ambassador you will learn to hone your sales skills, interpersonal communication skills, and grow your own personal brand/network. Ambassadors are paid for each person they get to download the app and create an account as well as for every high quality Shelper that they sign up. Being an ambassador also give you access to exclusive events such as rooftop parties and much more!

Want to join an exciting and social group of your fellow students and boost your social life, personal brand, and resume? Apply here.

Here’s some examples of our community involvement: